Monday, October 26, 2015

Continuing to keep the positive in the culture

At this time of the year, it is very hard to keep the positives up, and the negatives away. The students are getting tired and many are sick, the end of the marking period is near, and state testing for one of my courses is looming in the near future. However, this I will always continue to try. Giving up is never an option.

I try to CONNECT with my students each day by greeting each student as they enter my class and smile when I say hello.

I SHARE a funny story about me, my cats (usually), my family, or something I saw since I last saw the kids. That shows them I am human.

I JOKE with the kids, regardless of why or about what, just to get smiles on their faces.

This year, I have several students call me MOM, (it started because one girl said she wished I was her mother, and so several started calling me mom), and of course, I respond like a mom. MOM? WHAT? Go to your room!, etc. The boys particularly find this funny.

I ATTEND the students' activities outside of school. I have been to volley ball games, soccer games, choral recitals, foot ball games, parades (which I particularly don't care for!) and even a farm show (sorta).

I HELP my students with subjects other than math. I don't make math elite. I show my students that I want them to do well in all of their classes, and so I make sure they do well. I have helped students with spanish (thanks @SenoraGibbs for helping me to help them), biology, chemistry, geometry, and even Agriculture class (studying for a test on birds!).

I LISTEN to the students, regardless of what they want to tell me, and regardless if I have "time" to listen.

I LOVE my students!

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